International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-4544, E-ISSN: 2707-4552
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A

Markov chains: Maintenance in injection molding machines

Author(s): Gustavo Herrera Sánchez and Luz del Carmen Morán Bravo

Abstract: In businesses, it is crucial to understand the future state of assets. This research focuses on the future behavior of injection molding machines in an automotive company. The possible states of the machines are: active, decommissioned, inactive, and out of service. The objective is to present a stochastic model for predicting the future state of injection molding machines and enhance the company's decision-making regarding the maintenance policy to be applied to its machines. Prediction is achieved through a Markov chain, and forecasts of the future states of these injection molding machines were obtained. The results obtained are not promising, indicating the need for the development of new approaches and maintenance strategies to achieve the desired future state. This would enable the company to analyze its policies regarding the maintenance of injection molding machines based on its resources and customer needs.

Pages: 01-05 | Views: 93 | Downloads: 55

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International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
How to cite this article:
Gustavo Herrera Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Morán Bravo. Markov chains: Maintenance in injection molding machines. Int J Mach Tools Maint Eng 2024;5(1):01-05.
International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
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