International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-8043, E-ISSN: 2707-8051
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Effect of carding process and mercerization on the mechanical properties of Grewia optiva bast fiber

Effect of carding process and mercerization on the mechanical properties of Grewia optiva bast fiber

Author(s): Sonika Chauhan and Prakash Chandra Gope

Abstract: The applications of biocomposites are increasing to achieve sustainability in many applications. Biocomposites are formed by reinforcing natural fibers in different forms in the bioresin. Non-woven form of fibers is becoming popular to fabricate biocomposites because of being cost-effective and quick in manufacture. The process of carding is involved in both woven and non-woven fabrics which affect the mechanical properties of the fibers. The tensile properties of Grewia optiva natural fiber have been studied before and after carding and have been discussed in this paper. It has been found that the carding of fibers is increasing the brittleness of the fiber and the tensile strength is decreasing by 29.21%. The work to rupture of the fibers after carding is decreasing by 48.9%. Similarly the percentage elongation and denier of carded fibers are 21.94% and 21% lesser than the non-carded fibers. Hence, it has been concluded that the carding process should be optimized to minimize the effect on the mechanical properties of fibers.

Pages: 14-16 | Views: 356 | Downloads: 155

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International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering
How to cite this article:
Sonika Chauhan, Prakash Chandra Gope. Effect of carding process and mercerization on the mechanical properties of Grewia optiva bast fiber. Int J Mech Therm Eng 2023;4(1):14-16.
International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering
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