International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-4544, E-ISSN: 2707-4552
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Availability analysis of a 750 ton modern injection molding machine

Author(s): Iremia Itaofu Sunny and Totore Erhuvwu

Abstract: Injection molding is a plastic forming process used in the production of most plastic parts (about 70%) in automobile industries. The manufacturing industry has gone through significant changes in the recent years. For a good manufacturing plant, the most recommended thing is quality, efficiency, machines availability and operating cost. The aim of this study is to determine the molding machine availability and its overall equipment effectiveness. In carrying out this work, raw data was obtained from Spefas Engineering services Co., Ughelli, Delta state. The data was subsequently processed to provide the required data for the calculation of availability and Overall equipment effectiveness.The result generated yielded machine availability of 87.67% and the overall equipment effectiveness of 67%, as well as other useful parameters inclusive. In the recent times a remarkable improvement has taken a toll in maintenance management of the physical assets and productive systems to reduce wastage of energy and resources. Owing to this fact, the organization should introduce a maintenance continuously. Improvement in maintenance will help to improve and sustain machine availability which is one of the performance evaluation metrics that are most common and popular system to improve and increase both the quality and productivity in the production industries.

Pages: 21-27 | Views: 174 | Downloads: 52

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International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
How to cite this article:
Iremia Itaofu Sunny, Totore Erhuvwu. Availability analysis of a 750 ton modern injection molding machine. Int J Mach Tools Maint Eng 2023;4(1):21-27.
International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
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