International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-4544, E-ISSN: 2707-4552
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Exploring the enhancement of solar still performance through the utilization of solar water collectors, rotating hollow cylinders

Author(s): Hussein Hayder Mohammed Ali and Sahar Yawoz Ahmed

Abstract: Present water resources are insufficient to fulfil future demand. Without eating or drinking, humans can go days, weeks, or months, but not longer than a week. Businesses and households are increasingly using water. Drinkable water is produced by filtering brackish, sewage, and saltwater in various countries. Some countries prioritise drinking water production. This article examines heat exchange solutions scientists have used to increase solar still water output. Numerous authors have created and examined basic and advanced solar stills. These authors examined what happens when the container, collector, and water's chemical and physical properties change. One technique to increase solar distillation yield is with a cylindrical collector. The system's surface area will rise. Our research examines the different ways solar stills have been made more efficient.

Pages: 09-20 | Views: 153 | Downloads: 65

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International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
How to cite this article:
Hussein Hayder Mohammed Ali, Sahar Yawoz Ahmed. Exploring the enhancement of solar still performance through the utilization of solar water collectors, rotating hollow cylinders. Int J Mach Tools Maint Eng 2023;4(1):09-20.
International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering

International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering
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