International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-8043, E-ISSN: 2707-8051
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2020, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A

Dynamic analysis and simulation to carrier based aircraft with catapult

Dynamic analysis and simulation to carrier based aircraft with catapult

Author(s): Aayush Bhattarai

Abstract: Aircraft carrier will play an important role in present and future wars as they carry most important weapons and equipment in carrier. Catapult is most commonly used in aircraft for short takeoff. It increases the takeoff velocity so that it can take off at very short runway. This paper focuses on the dynamic forces acting on nose gear of carrier based aircraft during takeoff. This paper uses ADAMS/Aircraft as simulation software which simulates the whole dynamic forces acting on nose landing gear and main gears of the aircraft. Using ADAMS software can be a very intuitive process to see the aircraft take-off posture, all kinds of real-time data after the end of the simulation through the chart data files or output to the user. Conclusively, the result from ADAMS depicted there are very slight effect on roll and yaw, while lateral axis faces slight bump due to overshoot of CG.

Pages: 28-36 | Views: 1022 | Downloads: 535

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International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering
How to cite this article:
Aayush Bhattarai. Dynamic analysis and simulation to carrier based aircraft with catapult. Int J Mech Therm Eng 2020;1(1):28-36.
International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering

International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering
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